The Fate
We didn't start our epic love story until our third year of uni in 2017, but get this: we crossed paths a whole bunch of times since middle school! We attended the same school, albeit unknowingly. In high school, we shared a course schedule but never took notice of each other. It's kind of wild to think about all the times we could've met earlier, like ships passing in the night, but maybe we just weren't meant to find each other until the perfect moment.
In Korean culture, there is an enchanting term called In-Yun, which is about the universe's plot to connect people. Even the brushing of clothes between two strangers on the street, it is considered In-Yun because there's a connection between them from their past lives. And get this! If two people get hitched, it's believed that they have 8,000 layers of In-Yun between them from 8,000 lifetimes. That's mind-blowing! So, here we are, living proof of fate, with our 8,000 layers of In-Yun shining like a beacon in this life.